Pope Francis to Open the Holy Door at Rebibbia Prison | A Jubilee of Hope

Pope Francis to Open the Holy Door at Rebibbia Prison | A Jubilee of Hope

In an extraordinary gesture of mercy and solidarity, Pope Francis will personally open the Holy Door at Rebibbia Prison in Rome on December 26th. This unique door, the only one besides Saint Peter’s Basilica to be opened by the Pope himself, symbolizes hope not just for the prisoners but for all confined communities worldwide.

From inmates crafting a special gift for the Pope to the chaplain’s daily mission of restoring hope, this event highlights the profound human dignity of those often overlooked. The Holy Door’s opening represents a new beginning, echoing the Jubilee’s theme: Spes non Confundit—Hope Does Not Disappoint.

Discover the stories of resilience within the prison walls: prisoners transforming driftwood into art, working as telephone operators for Bambino Gesù Hospital, and finding purpose through their faith. Pope Francis' visit is a powerful reminder that, even in the darkest circumstances, hope can bring renewal and a future filled with possibility.

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EWTN Norge

Moder Angelica EWTN

Moder Angelica


Moder Angelica hadde sin første sending fra en garasje i 1981, vi hadde vår første sending 22.mai 2020 fra et gjesterom i Ålesund. Vi er glade for å være en del av verdens største religiøse medienettverk. EWTN sitt mål er å hjelpe mennesker å vokse i troen og i kjærlighet til Gud og hans uendelige miskunn. Dette er også blitt vårt mål. Vi ønsker å spre evangeliet til mennesker i Norge. Sammen med mange frivillige jobber vi hver dag med dette. Støtt vårt arbeid: https://www.ewtn.no/stott-oss/


EWTN Norge