The Desert Fathers in a Year | Episode 12: Staying Put – Abba Moses and Your Path to Holiness

The Desert Fathers in a Year | Episode 12: Staying Put – Abba Moses and Your Path to Holiness

The Desert Fathers in a Year | Episode 12: Staying Put – Abba Moses and Your Path to Holiness

Welcome to Episode 12!

In this week's episode, Jamie Baxter (Exodus 90) and Bishop Erik Varden explore the wisdom of Abba Moses, highlighting how true peace and holiness come from faithfully staying where God has placed you.

Abba Moses’s profound instruction, "Go, sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything," guides us in facing internal struggles—such as fear, anxiety, desire, and jealousy—within our specific vocations. We also address how solitary paths, like that of Abba Arsenius, fit into Christ's commandment of loving our neighbor.

In this episode, you will:

Learn Abba Moses’s wisdom on finding peace by embracing your current vocation.

Understand how perseverance in daily life can deepen your spiritual journey.

Reflect on God's unique call to holiness in your personal circumstances.

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Produced by EWTN in collaboration with Exodus 90.

Saint Moses the Black, pray for us.

#desertfathers #AbbaMoses #holiness #spiritualgrowth #exodus90 #christianwisdom #innerpeace #monasticwisdom #StayPut

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Moder Angelica EWTN

Moder Angelica


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