This is an interview with msgr Renzo Pegoraro, chancellor at the Pontifical Academy for Life. It was done in connection to a seminar in the parish of the Catholic Cathedral, St Erik, in Stockholm, Sweden, 20th of September 2022. It was arranged by Respekt. Respekt is a Catholic movement working to promote the inviolable dignity of the human being, from the conception to our natural death. It celebtes it´s 20th year this year.
Dr. Matthew E. Bunson is a National Catholic Register senior editor and senior contributor to EWTN News. We met him at a confernce in Frascati outside of Rome and asked about how to deal with news in a world where Catholics often are marginalised.
Vi träffade Maria Nyman, generalsekreteraren för Caritas Europe, i samband med att Caritas Sverige fyllde 75 år. Här berättar hon lite om sitt uppdrag och hur de arbetar med både insamling och samordning och vilka prioriteringar som gäller.