Women of the Vatican: The Rising Role of Women in Leadership under Pope Francis

Women of the Vatican: The Rising Role of Women in Leadership under Pope Francis

Women of the Vatican: The Rising Role of Women in Leadership under Pope Francis

Discover the growing role of women in Vatican leadership during Pope Francis's pontificate in this exclusive EWTN feature, "Women of the Vatican." Journalist Magdalena Wolinska-Riedi explores how women are making significant strides in positions traditionally held by men within the Vatican City State.

Hear firsthand from inspiring figures such as Barbara Jatta, the first female Director of the Vatican Museums; Sister Nathalie Becquart, the first female Undersecretary for the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops; and Sister Simona Brambilla, the first woman appointed to head a Vatican department as Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life. Gain insights from Giulia Cullurà, Archivist at the Dicastery for Culture and Education, on the unique responsibilities and historic significance of her role.

Learn how Pope Francis's commitment to greater inclusivity has increased female representation in Vatican employment from 19% to 24%, marking a historic shift in the Catholic Church's approach to gender diversity.

Journalist: Magdalena Wolinska-Riedi

Producer: Alexey Gotovsky

Camera: Gianluca Gangemi, Alberto Basile

Video Editor: Giada D’Ottavi

#Vatican #PopeFrancis #WomenInLeadership #CatholicChurch #EWTN

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