Vaticano Updates | Latest News from Pope Francis and the Vatican | March 2025

Vaticano Updates | Latest News from Pope Francis and the Vatican | March 2025

Vaticano Updates | Latest News from Pope Francis and the Vatican | March 2025

Welcome to Vaticano Updates, your go-to source for the most important and up-to-date news from Pope Francis and the Vatican. In this episode, we cover key messages from the Holy Father on peace, solidarity with Muslims during Ramadan, reflections on temptation, and the power of forgiveness.

In this episode:

Pope Francis Calls for Peace: Praying for God's "gift of peace" for Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Sudan, Israel, and Palestine.

Vatican's Solidarity with Muslims during Ramadan: How Catholics and Muslims can unite in their shared practice of fasting and penance during Lent and Ramadan.

Pope Francis' Teachings on Temptation: Overcoming difficulties and trusting in God’s love – a Lenten message of hope and resilience.

NASA Scientist Joins the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: Pope Francis appoints five new members, including prominent scientists from NASA, Harvard, and China.

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa on Forgiveness: The importance of forgiveness over violent rhetoric, and how families can embrace reconciliation during Lent.

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