Vaticano update | EWTN Norway

Vaticano update | EWTN Norway

Hello and welcome to this week’s Vaticano Updates – the most important news from the Holy Father and the Vatican.

Top 1) Message for Migrants and Refugees

In his message for the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis stated that encountering a migrant is akin to encountering Christ. He urged support and solidarity for the millions of refugees forced to leave their homes. The World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on September 24, with the theme "God Walks with His People."

Top 2) Consecrated Life is an ‘Immense Gift’

In a message to participants at a conference on consecrated religious life in Brazil, Pope Francis expressed gratitude for “the immense gift of the vocation to consecrated life.” He emphasized the need to “safeguard and cultivate” this vocation daily to produce good fruits in each religious person's life. The Pontiff highlighted the importance of maintaining a "constant dialogue” with Jesus through daily prayer and fidelity to the vows.

Top 3) 14 Catholics Killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Pope Francis condemned the killing of 14 Catholics in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He thanked God for their “testimony of martyrdom,” stating that “their throats were slit simply because they were Christians and didn’t want to convert to Islam.” The media reported that the victims were killed by members of the ISIS-affiliated militia known as the “Allied Democratic Forces.”

Top 4) Building Peace Requires ‘Taking a Risk’

Speaking to members of Italian Christian Workers’ Associations at the Vatican, Pope Francis emphasized that being peacemakers in the style of Jesus Christ is both necessary and risky. He said that interceding for peace goes far beyond mere political compromise because it requires putting oneself on the line and taking a risk. He underlined that in a world marked by conflict and division, their witness as peacemakers is more valuable than ever.

Top 5) Pope Francis to publish new document on Sacred Heart

During his first weekly General Audience in June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart, Pope Francis noted the 350th anniversary of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque’s first vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He announced plans to publish a document dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in September. Later in the program we will share more on the origins of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Moder Angelica hadde sin første sending fra en garasje i 1981, vi hadde vår første sending 22.mai 2020 fra et gjesterom i Ålesund.

Vi er glade for å være en del av verdens største religiøse medienettverk. EWTN sitt mål er å hjelpe mennesker å vokse i troen og i kjærlighet til Gud og hans uendelige miskunn. Dette er også blitt vårt mål. Vi ønsker å spre evangeliet til mennesker i Norge. Sammen med mange frivillige jobber vi hver dag med dette.

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EWTN Norge

Moder Angelica EWTN

Moder Angelica


Moder Angelica hadde sin første sending fra en garasje i 1981, vi hadde vår første sending 22.mai 2020 fra et gjesterom i Ålesund. Vi er glade for å være en del av verdens største religiøse medienettverk. EWTN sitt mål er å hjelpe mennesker å vokse i troen og i kjærlighet til Gud og hans uendelige miskunn. Dette er også blitt vårt mål. Vi ønsker å spre evangeliet til mennesker i Norge. Sammen med mange frivillige jobber vi hver dag med dette. Støtt vårt arbeid:


EWTN Norge