Sacred Music

Sacred Music

Sacred Music

Pope St. Pius X championed Gregorian chant, restoring its prominence and emphasizing that sacred music should embody holiness, beauty, and universality. His vision was later reaffirmed by Pope St. Paul VI in Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Both Popes encouraged choirs, musicians, and the faithful to preserve and enrich the Church’s musical heritage.

This commitment continues today through the work of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, led by Mr. Hans-Albert Courtial. The Foundation recently hosted the prestigious International Festival of Sacred Music and Art, now in its 23rd edition. Held in iconic Roman venues, including the Papal Basilicas, the festival brought together world-renowned choirs, orchestras, and artists to celebrate the enduring beauty of sacred music.

Courtial reflects: "Pope Paul VI once said, ‘The world needs beauty,’ and this is what we aim to bring. Our festival invites thousands from around the globe to experience sacred music and art, offering moments of spiritual elevation and reconnection with the Lord."

Join us as we delve into this extraordinary celebration of music, faith, and the transformative power of beauty.

Watch now and discover how sacred music continues to inspire hearts and minds worldwide.

#SacredMusic #GregorianChant #Vaticano #BeautyOfFaith

EWTN Norge

Moder Angelica EWTN

Moder Angelica


Moder Angelica hadde sin første sending fra en garasje i 1981, vi hadde vår første sending 22.mai 2020 fra et gjesterom i Ålesund. Vi er glade for å være en del av verdens største religiøse medienettverk. EWTN sitt mål er å hjelpe mennesker å vokse i troen og i kjærlighet til Gud og hans uendelige miskunn. Dette er også blitt vårt mål. Vi ønsker å spre evangeliet til mennesker i Norge. Sammen med mange frivillige jobber vi hver dag med dette. Støtt vårt arbeid:


EWTN Norge