The Ministry of Saints: Canonization Process Explained | Carlo Acutis, Bartolo Longo & More

The Ministry of Saints: Canonization Process Explained | Carlo Acutis, Bartolo Longo & More

The Ministry of Saints | The Canonization Process Explained | Carlo Acutis and More

In this video, we explore the intricate process of canonization with Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. Discover how saints are made, the role of miracles, and the crucial steps that lead to sainthood. Learn about some of the most inspiring figures in the Catholic Church, including Carlo Acutis, who will be canonized on April 27th, 2025 during the Jubilee for Teenagers.

In this video, we cover:

How Saints Are Made: The process of canonization, from the investigation of miracles to the final approval by the Pope.

Role of Cardinal Marcello Semeraro: A behind-the-scenes look at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints and its work.

The Story of Bartolo Longo: A remarkable conversion from a satanic priest to a devoted promoter of the Rosary and a founder of charity.

Carlo Acutis' Path to Sainthood: The inspiring life of a teenager devoted to the Eucharist, and his upcoming canonization.

José Gregorio Hernández Cisnero: The Venezuelan doctor whose canonization was recently approved by Pope Francis.

Key Highlights:

Cardinal Semeraro talks about the archival process and the importance of verifying miracles for sainthood.

Carlo Acutis’ second miracle, a powerful story of healing, and the faith behind it.

Insight into the Jubilee of Teenagers and Carlo Acutis’ canonization.

The vital role of charity and prayer in sainthood, as exemplified by Bartolo Longo.

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