The Desert Fathers in a Year | Episode 4: St. Antony – A Source of Strength

The Desert Fathers in a Year | Episode 4: St. Antony – A Source of Strength

The Desert Fathers in a Year | Episode 4: St. Antony – A Source of Strength

Welcome to The Desert Fathers in a Year!

Join Jamie, the founder of Exodus 90, and Bishop Erik Varden as we explore the profound influence of St. Antony of the Desert—a man who has become a source of strength, wisdom, and hope for countless people. In this week’s episode, we take a closer look at Antony’s ability to comfort the troubled, reconcile adversaries, and guide those seeking deeper holiness. His life, marked by prayer, sacrifice, and selfless service, demonstrates how true spiritual fatherhood can transform the world around us.

Antony’s story challenges us to reflect on our own lives: Are we a source of life and strength for others? Do we draw on the power of prayer and the sign of the cross to remain steadfast in trials? Through Bishop Varden’s insightful reflections, we uncover the beauty of Antony’s legacy, which continues to inspire our spiritual journey today.

EWTN Norge

Moder Angelica EWTN

Moder Angelica


Moder Angelica hadde sin første sending fra en garasje i 1981, vi hadde vår første sending 22.mai 2020 fra et gjesterom i Ålesund. Vi er glade for å være en del av verdens største religiøse medienettverk. EWTN sitt mål er å hjelpe mennesker å vokse i troen og i kjærlighet til Gud og hans uendelige miskunn. Dette er også blitt vårt mål. Vi ønsker å spre evangeliet til mennesker i Norge. Sammen med mange frivillige jobber vi hver dag med dette. Støtt vårt arbeid:


EWTN Norge