Pope Francis Defends Marriage & Announces New Document on Children | Vaticano Updates

Pope Francis Defends Marriage & Announces New Document on Children | Vaticano Updates

VATICANO UPDATES | Weekly Vatican News

Welcome to this week’s Vaticano Updates, bringing you the most important news from Pope Francis and the Vatican.

Sacrament of Marriage Is a Gift – Pope Francis affirms that marriage is a divine gift and not simply a contract that can be dissolved.

World Day for Consecrated Life – The Holy Father calls religious men and women to be "bearers of light" as the Church prepares for the Jubilee of Consecrated Life.

Pope Urges Ukrainian Youth to Pursue Peace – In an online meeting, Pope Francis encourages young Ukrainians to embrace dialogue and patriotism despite the ongoing war.

Pope Francis to Meet Rome’s Priests – The Holy Father will meet clergy and deacons of the Diocese of Rome on March 6 at St. John Lateran.

New Papal Document on Children – Pope Francis announces a forthcoming document addressing the dignity and protection of children, including the unborn.

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EWTN Norge

Moder Angelica EWTN

Moder Angelica


Moder Angelica hadde sin første sending fra en garasje i 1981, vi hadde vår første sending 22.mai 2020 fra et gjesterom i Ålesund. Vi er glade for å være en del av verdens største religiøse medienettverk. EWTN sitt mål er å hjelpe mennesker å vokse i troen og i kjærlighet til Gud og hans uendelige miskunn. Dette er også blitt vårt mål. Vi ønsker å spre evangeliet til mennesker i Norge. Sammen med mange frivillige jobber vi hver dag med dette. Støtt vårt arbeid: https://www.ewtn.no/stott-oss/


EWTN Norge